Wednesday, 3 May 2023

VHF Propagation identification determined by Min/Max distances (V3.0)


VHF Propagation identification determined by Min/Max distances (V3.0)


Less than 110km






Over 8000km

Propagation type

Line of Sight (LOS)

Tropo Scatter (TRS)






Tropo Ducting (TRD)

TRD + Es


Aurora (AU)




Aircraft Scatter (AS)

Sporadic-Es (ES)

Sporadic-Es (ES) x2 hops

Sporadic-Es (ES)x3 hops

Sporadic-Es + TEP


Meteor Scatter (MS)

Trans Equatorial Propagation (TEP)






F2 Layer reflection (F2)


Required conditions or assists with ID

True Line of Sight is up to 50km, but can be extended by height i.e. elevation ASL or by refraction (LOS)

Stable High Air Pressure, as often seen with fog (TRD)

Raspy distorted tone & audio distortion (AU)

April to September with peak in June, small opening in December possible near Equinox (ES)

Sea path required for longest rare distances (TRD)


Often misidentified as ES alone on DXcluster, which is impossible. Main distance component is TEP and both stations need to be on opposite sides of Magnetic Equator

Typically around 4 minutes duration (AS)

Mostly short duration pings of seconds or shorter, but can be minutes (MS)

Stations need to be either side of Magnetic Equator (TEP)

Favours Autumn to Spring months during Solar Cycle Peaks, approx every 11 years

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